What type of games do u guys prefer?
By the way, U can vote for multiple things.
Rts and fps
supreme commander and counter-strike
Arg i hate anything like wc3 or wow or whatever.
I like Racing, TPS, and Rpg games, how come theres no fighting games in the list.
I would vote scrolling shooter, but it's not on the list :(
ExBu Wrote:how come theres no fighting games in the list.
... Forgot.
I can'tedit the poll, so sorry, u'll have to do without... unless if one of the admins does it.
By the way, there is a limit of 10 different options for the polls, and currently all 10 is used, so if someone is to add the option "fighting" into the poll, they would have to remove something else. Just remove something like the "other strategy" field.
Urgh, increased the max length to 15 - I don't really like long polls though. Merge racing with sport :P
Umm, RTS/RPG/Strategy/Arcade for me :D
I'm not sure that Metriod or Zelda would fit into an RPG category. Neither is Metriod a full-fledged FPS since it used to be a side-scroller.
Zelda is definitely not an RPG. I would classify it as Adventure, which could emcompass games like Super Mario Bros. as well.
Earthbound (Mother in Japan) still remains my favorite game to this day.
Damn can't vote for it anymore.