because in today's world; some black people still feel like they're being discriminated against
I mean, isn't it racist to think that supposedly the person was meaning to be racist when they say something like this? JUST because they're a diffrent color?
P.S. Im not saying black people in general are like this, but there are the select few who don't feel racially accepted in any country
people need to feel less racially insulted around each other dammit
metalgear08 Wrote:Oh. My. God. It's a legal meeting, and the commissioner refers to a legal office as a black hole because paperwork is constantly getting lost.
Ok, I haven't seen the youtube vids yet. (Will do later. At uni now).
But he could have meant a
black hole in a scientific sense, as in the result when a massive star collapses, forming a super dense blob of poo poo (can't think of what to say at the moment :P) that has gravitation so strong that it sucks in light, thus is completely invisible (black).
Would sort of make sense, since anything close to a black hole will be sucked in, and never found again.
Assassinator Wrote:metalgear08 Wrote:Oh. My. God. It's a legal meeting, and the commissioner refers to a legal office as a black hole because paperwork is constantly getting lost.
Ok, I haven't seen the youtube vids yet. (Will do later. At uni now).
But he could have meant a black hole in a scientific sense, as in the result when a massive star collapses, forming a super dense blob of poo poo (can't think of what to say at the moment :P) that has gravitation so strong that it sucks in light, thus is completely invisible (black).
Would sort of make sense, since anything close to a black hole will be sucked in, and never found again.
If you watched the videos, it would make sense. The white comissioner says that, and then the black judge in the room freaks out and demands an apology for the commissioner's racism.
Not another one of these. I am no racist but people are just too damn sensitive.
It's like if someone called me a white boy I wouldn't care, I am white, so what?
And besides I see too many black people calling each other 'niggers', but when one white guy says it they all gang up on him and threaten him and spoon.
People today are pussies.
omg that jus bullchocolate...
metalgear08 Wrote:WHAT. THE. FUCK
That's what i said too and i also thought that was pretty retarded