Endless Paradigm

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from this thursday on I'll be moving to my new house for studying in university, this means i won't be around much until the internet is set up over there...

So im just posting this for you guys knowing it, the reason im posting in graphics is that i need someone to take charge of the SOTW while i come back (should be one voting and one week opening only...) and any battles please use MICk3Y or any other battle mod since i won't be around...
If no one else does the SOTW I could do it Blingeye,
Hope it all goes well for you
MICk3Y Wrote:If no one else does the SOTW I could do it Blingeye,
Hope it all goes well for you

well yeah you can do it, you'll have to ask some mod to stick/unstick/close the threads and stuff
KK Madwin
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