Endless Paradigm

Full Version: So i heard you liek pickachu?
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Because everyone knows the CG, and he is da bomb :P

heres the sig i made for you bro, hope you enjoy it XD

[Image: 30542953vt3.jpg]
i likez everything, except on the left bottom corner pika is pixely, but other than that Inluv
woah that's awesome. I love the pikachus
Pika Piiiii!!!!
ofmg that's win tetris :D
Yeah it's a little posterized and oversharpened in places but it's nice.
Yes...i liek. :D~

sig is fudgeing awesome!! xD

nice thanks man. :D
Stripe on back is WAAY oversharpened.

Otherwise is gorgeous!!!!
That sig is awesome!!! Really nice.
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