Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] I-01 CTF for 4.01 m33 (or -2)
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This is my latest and the last theme for quite a while (idk till when).
I have learned so much from creating these themes which I don't think I would ever had without it. I kept my self trying and trying........ I always used to think of new ideas of how the interface would be.....Then thought of  how the icons would........Then I tried to make these icon on Photoshop....and then finally to PSP which is a really hardest part....But in this process I learn't alot...ALOT!....I didn't make themes for people....but for me.........................................
This is what message I want to give to you..... Just TRY TRY TRY!.......
With this I only have this theme to give you.
As said in the video....I'm leaving the XMB creating scene....

[Image: finalot6.png]
Source: YouTube

Installation and Credits are in the Read me file.
Nice work here as well, good luck at school. You'll be back! Thanks for all you shared.
cool man thanks ill try it out.
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