Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Nekomimi Gameboot
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Hey guys,
since my old self-made Gameboot became... well old, I decided to make a new one:

Object Link

Click here to view flash object

It also has sound!^^ (not included in preview)

It's a bit longer then normal Gameboots  so you have to modify the Gameboot Delay in your opening_plugin.rco to the value 2050 to see it completely.

A tutorial how to do so can be found here it works the same fore 4.01 .rcos


Hope you like it, comments are appreciated Gongxi
Ima try this tomorrow me thinks............ ñyaaaaaa

thanks Sky!
...people keep stealing my ecchi and loli pics...
pretty nice, you used that one from the loli thread lol
I found it myself :P and thanks^^
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