Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [SIG] A Different Neku
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Here's a sig I made. I kinda used ChaoticGamer's tutorial on this, but with a different render and brushes.
What do you think of it?

[Image: 15gdvd5.jpg]
Looks good.

The purple stroke is a little pixeli try doing a lighter purple.

Neku...is being deleted. :'3
i like it, but the purple outline of the arrows is too pixely, and i think the bg needs a little blending, but i really like it :)
Yeah, you guys are right. Fixing it right now...

EDIT: Ok. I fixed it. I had to make the outline bigger to make it not look pixelized. How does it look now?
Awesome!, look's great NG.
Good job :P
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