Mexicanmade Wrote:hmm voted the 1st one
m2,.. but stil got a little weird bit to the left of the sign,. O_o!
Voted for the 6th one. I lke the comic stip feel of it. ^_^
What boogs said that neogen said
voted mehhakkers.......
sorry i couldn't join this week but i didn't feel like getting all the images from my old pc (the one currently with internet), putting them on a memstick, getting those to my laptop (the one where the internet doesn't work), making the sig(the fun part), getting it back on the memstick, transferring that to my old pc, uploding them, realising that there's something that could be added to make the sig better, editing on my laptop, getting it on a memstick again to transfer to my old pc, upload and getting it on here only to lose very , very badly this week again........ whenever my laptop get's fixed I'll be able to enter again
holy schnooters your all getting so much better. I have not been on in a while and now look at you all. Schninckers I am amazed at all of these it was so hard to choose.