Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Intel Trumpets Death of the GPU
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Pages: 1 2
I actually thought Intel making the GPU redundant was more believable than nVidia making the CPU redundant To be honest...
Although the GPU has more processing power, it's largely due to it's parallel processing ability.  With CPUs going multi-core these days...  (I've heard of plans of having specialised cores too - CPU cores specifically designed to do certain tasks)
true.. bt the fact remains that GPU have a dedicated process ability. You cannot run a computer of GPUs. Processors are becming increasingly more powerful. In fact some guys have designed a low end server to run of Intel Atom. And the thing is that CPUs can only get faster and smaller, leading to smaller mobo formfactors. Then the only GPUs that will be compatible are the on board graphics. Nowadays, smaller is cooler. until nVidia and ATI make chips that are excessively smaller and more powerful, GPUs will never be CPU independent. Reverse however, is true!
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