Endless Paradigm

Full Version: E3 Xbox 360 Press Confrence
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this explain all the new stuff come out for the 360. it was recorded live from G4 by me and feature exclusive game play footage of fallout 3, fable 2, gears of war 2, and lots of other games such as a bit about portal, not to mention the new dashboard in action and all the new live services. also witness microsofts take on nintendos MIIs. expect nintendo and sony keynote today after they air on g4
i WAS gonna put this on EP video but it said some error and i didnt feel like encoding this again.. enjoy

part 1 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6HBN24OO
part 2 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8UM7V9AJ
part 3 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7RT5GVCM
part 4 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8SI30JV7
part 5 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CCZL66VL

ps. sorry for post later then expected... i ran into problems with EP video being picky about audio metadata so i basically uploaded it twice.. the ep vid upload only tells you theres a problem AFTER the video is done so i wasted about 3 hours there.. then i passed out

dang that's a large video :D  looking forward to seeing it
^^ its an hour and a half so that's why its big lol.... but if you have or have an intrest in the 360 its well worth it
^^ i agree.. nintendos was kinda lame... oh and the one above is alot higher quality... its meant for those who can't watch G4 because they live outside the US or just don't have that channel.. im not upping th nintendo one but i prolly will with the sony one... id put it on EP video if it wasn't broke right now
thanks Azumi Madwin I'll check this out later. I've been waiting to see Fallout 3 gameplay :)
^^ omg is it awesome... i ripped that myself... you can't see the detail on youtube.. fallout 3 is gonna be a really good game
and final fantasy 13 will still remain a ps3 exclusive in japan LOL
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