Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Another FMA sig
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Pages: 1 2
I just started watching FMA, and i think its purely awesome; im about to make it my favorite anime before i even finish it

so i decided to make a sig, im really tired so i really wanted to finish it by tonight

blah Yay

[Image: fmann0.jpg]

 im starting to lose my enthusiasm in graphics, i feel like i cant make anything good anymore :P lol, and the reason why im making this small because its an emo rant where no one cares anyway :P 
I don't do 'Graphix' anymore. . .

And It's nice except from the head - moon it looks flat.

And c4d on the right that's blurred looks strange*in like depth.
And lighting on the c4d in the left doesn't match lighting of render.
I lovez you emo gfx god...

I lovez it!!!!!!
MICk3Y Wrote:
I lovez you emo gfx god...

I lovez it!!!!!!


yeah im the master emo Hihi

whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i guess im just really tired right now

im going to bed! (look at my time and see why)
You are one happy emo graphics gawd o.0
Its my time too.... Why?
MICk3Y Wrote:Its my time too.... Why?

Cause you want to fudge me. . . .Flatterd
Si seƱor diego
I take it as a compliment. It all depends on how you see things. I see someone saying fudge you as a compliment cause they are saying they want to have intercourse. . . now that says something.
Pages: 1 2
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