Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [SIG] Bass
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Here is my newest sig!

[Image: 28te5vn.png]

What do you think of it?
simple...plain...but i liek.
idk y but i dnt like it :(
its not bad r n e thing i jus dnt like it...
I changed the image.  This one is better I think
that hot
awesome dude I like the way your text is positioned and the simplicity of it.
i like it great work
Looks nice. I like it. Good job. How do you make text curve like that?
flpnobld Wrote:Looks nice. I like it. Good job. How do you make text curve like that?

You can write text along any path.  So I just made a path using the pen tool and then selected the text tool and clicked on the path.  Very Simple
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