23/07/2008, 04:49 AM
23/07/2008, 07:51 AM
Mc Cabe Wrote:^download this: http://www.google.co.uk/url?q=http://www...ProUhdX80Q
12CF0 1.5 number of times ripples spread, amount of ripples??? 12CF4 12 time waves stay on screen 12CF8 -12 similar to above 12CFC 1 glitchy - change to -1 if ya want a black background 12D00 1.1.. time center of ripple stops rippling?? 12D04 0.75 time riplles stop rippling 12D08 0.15 srength of ripples 12D0C 1 ripple spread??? 12D10 3.141.. time for center of ripples to fade out??? 12D14 1.953.. unknown 12D18 0.5 ripple distortions??? 12D1C 2.384.. 12D20 90 unknown 12D24 -100
the descriptions are harder than finding the offsets :P. If you can think of a better description please change :)
Have you had any problems when viz is selected and let a song play for 1or2 hours,.!? freeze!?
i will add these to the viz bookmark list!
24/07/2008, 12:36 PM
I don't think I have ever let my psp play that long V sorry, i wouldnt know :/
02/08/2008, 12:55 PM
what i have to do, for recompress my 4.01 and 4.05 prx? The uncompressed prx works fine on my fat and Slim! But i will recompress for more space in the Flash!
15/08/2008, 05:52 PM
pinkee Wrote:what i have to do, for recompress my 4.01 and 4.05 prx? The uncompressed prx works fine on my fat and Slim! But i will recompress for more space in the Flash!
I read from one thread that you can actually used Matchung's compressor to re-compress prx for 4.01. You can use the 3.90 header. Haven't tried it though and I'm not sure if it works on 4.05 prxs.