Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New avatar and signiture
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Pages: 1 2
Post about my awesome-ness lol or not.
i like the sleek look and i liek deathnote. :D

except your avy...i hate that guy. >:3
th whole gloss effect doesn't work its too bright
i like it alot expect like squee said the gloss is too bright.. lower the opacity a little bit and it will be perfect
I agree with squee and azumi also...

but why use that stupid guy as the avatar? He's the one that
screwed up and got light killed.
Nobody even really likes that guy. You should have picked "L", "N", Light, or Kira
also there is a little part where the red doesn't blend with the image.(by Light's side there is a line)

slushba don't spoil!!!!NananaPlzno
Slushba132 Wrote:You should have picked "L", "N", Light, or Kira

or misa lol
and you ruined it for people who havent seen it yet LOL
yes that's true, you could use misa.

I think that line is part of Ryuk's collar crest thingy. Unless your talking about lights outline but even they both have clear defined outlines so it makes it match
now death note is ruined for me :(

thanks i be fixing now then
Pages: 1 2
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