Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [4.01 M33] Recovery Menu Offset by Illy
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2C1C menu text inactive (red)
2C1D menu text inactive (green)
2C15 menu text inactive (blue)
2C28 menu text active (red)
2C29 menu text active (green&blue)
2BC4 title text (red)
2CD5 title text (green&blue)
2C5C "*" line (red)
2C5D "*" line (green&blue)


2C88 "*"

all the offsets by illy Hero
Good job, and thanks for this ^^.
any bookmark?
what exactly do wee modify to change the colors and can i get like a shit  with the colors and the numbers and letters i need to use
kevinsturf Wrote:what exactly do wee modify to change the colors and can i get like a shit  with the colors and the numbers and letters i need to use

change the float values I guess find the color you like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors
divide each rgb value by 255. There's the value that you want. 1 is max. Don't know about the recovery menu haven't tried hex editing that yet. I'll do it when I'm bored.
wow my 3d is in the news Madwin
homebrew editor for both recovery/satelite

[Image: aeddd3e7.png]

[Image: 5bd8c3fb.png]

recovery & vshmenu color changer from たけしの自作ツール置き場

or get it here
Thanks! :D

But the you have to click on @recovery & vshmenu color changer@ for download. The latest link in you're post doesn't work.
Quote:Recovery Editor by Red Squirrel

What's it?
It's a simple tool for Windows XP/Vista that allows you to edit CF 3.90/3.95 Recovery Men˘ and VSHMen˘ colorous!

-Added the possibility to change colours of 4.01M33 Recovery Men˘.
Thanks for that
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