Endless Paradigm

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Wallpaper of the Week #1 - Freestyle

I've wanted to see what you all can do with a large canvas (ref. Battle Royale Large Sig Rounds), but what about Wallpapers?

This will test you pixel by pixel if you have what it takes to consume ones desktop area. Do you best and good luck.

These are the rules, stick to them and work on something, take your time, you have until Friday to submit your entries.

\\ Rules //
  • Resolution: 1024x768 is the MINIMUM ALLOWED RESOLUTION
  • Widescreen Resolutions are Allowed
  • If you use others work for resources contributing to your final piece, you MUST LINK TO THEIR WORK and CREDIT them with your submission - if it explicitly says that you cannot use their work and you DO NOT - otherwise I will DISQUALIFY your submission
  • Voting will last 48 Hours after thread creation during the Weekend

Thank you for your attention & participation.
~ Senseito Sakura
I'm entering. P:
This will be good...
FINALLY!!! larger areas are what im good at.. ill enter for sure!!!!  

so 1280x768 is fine right?
oh and do wee have to credit if use a stock of like just a picture of a girl? hard to credit photos, other then that i usually make the bgs myself other then a render or something
HELL YEAH, I LOVE making desktop BG's (but i don't post them here because im too lazy :P)
ill give it a shot
* dedat can't wait to see the results of this.
* dedat wonders if someone will be kind enough to give him a wallpaper with his name on it at the end of the contest..

i hope this runs like the sotw has, it would be epic!
This should be interesting
Azumi Wrote:oh and do wee have to credit if use a stock of like just a picture of a girl?

Certainly. Just link to where you found it.
interesting idea...

the collaboration part seems somewhat... complicated,

i would like to see how this goes

i may even brew something up :P
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