Endless Paradigm

Full Version: your internet connection
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What kinda internet has everyone got?

Mine is 6Mbit ADSL with max 0.5MB Upload. My average download speed is 60kB/s which is .48mbit/s. This is approx 8.5% of my theoretical download speed, but I have had 5mbit spikes which is close to the max. It depends what I download and where from.
Mine sucks. 256k/64k (download/upload).

Average speed, 26KB/sec download, 3KB/sec upload.

Oh, and don't forget the 1GB/month download limit :(
Wow that's spoon... i used to have 10gb down limit and wee broke it every time so wee had to pay more to remove it :P


[Image: Necropost.jpg]
Mine's the one that connects me to the interweb.
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