12/07/2008, 08:04 AM
In no fixed order...
1. How if someone does a cool thing, everyone starts doing the same thing. To the point that they might be the same person in another avatar. Jeez.. be original!
2. How people simply modify what someone has done, only a little and claim it to be their discovery or whatever...
3. How some people only complain, complain complain and complain some more about EVERY little thing! How can anyone stand them!
4. How some people bitch and talk about other things/people/events etc. More annoying when it DOEsn't!! (please double quote that) concern them even in a small way! GET A LIFE!
5. How some people whine and crib over things they did, like staying up all night, or hogging down a large pizza or getting laid and pregnant (even if you are a guy!) etc! WHY in sweet mother Earth's name will I care? I didnt ask you to do any of those!
6. Sarcasm that is not given by me.
7. People who overtake you on the road, slow down so you pass them and then speed up when you pass them in turn ....................................... friggin' Rossi/Schumacher wannabe!
8. Buses. (they are HORRIBLE over here!!!!)
9. Cab drivers (they are horrible I think everywhere!)
10. Ads during my favorite shows...
11. Telemarketers! GO DIE!!!!!!
12. People who are obsessively obsessive.
13. Dumb people.
14. Ultra Smart people.
15. Bitter gourd.
16. Social Networking Sites.
17. The fact that hershey kisses needs credit card authentication. (I don't want to give out my Credit card no. for something that I use more rarely then a meteor strike on earth!)
18. The fact that nothing good comes for free.
19. The fact that if that good is a software, I can still get it for free!
20. Girls, when they are hyperventilating.
21. Girls , when they are all sentimental and emotional.
22. Girlfriends, when they want to discuss "Future".
23. Girlfriends, when they want to discuss "Past".
24. Drugs.
25. The fear of STD.
26. The necessity of "Working for Money".
27. Unemployment.
28. People who pretend. (make them line up and shoot them for real..)
29. Fake things. (how does buying a cheap rolex imitation actually replace the sheer pleasure of buying a real rolex?)
30. Carbon monoxide. Its EVERYWHERE!!!
31. People. They are so annoying.
32. Noise.... argh!
33. Bright light! ("TURN IT OFF!!! IT HURTS US!!")
34. Gandhi. (why should I turn my other cheek if someone slaps me! No one feels guilty about it! Hell! Why should I let anyone slap me in the 1st place!)
35. Long lists (yeah... like this one)
36. Having to read and understanding to learn. (it would be so much cooler if wee could simply absorb knowledge!)
37. Hypocrites...
to be continued!
1. How if someone does a cool thing, everyone starts doing the same thing. To the point that they might be the same person in another avatar. Jeez.. be original!
2. How people simply modify what someone has done, only a little and claim it to be their discovery or whatever...
3. How some people only complain, complain complain and complain some more about EVERY little thing! How can anyone stand them!
4. How some people bitch and talk about other things/people/events etc. More annoying when it DOEsn't!! (please double quote that) concern them even in a small way! GET A LIFE!
5. How some people whine and crib over things they did, like staying up all night, or hogging down a large pizza or getting laid and pregnant (even if you are a guy!) etc! WHY in sweet mother Earth's name will I care? I didnt ask you to do any of those!
6. Sarcasm that is not given by me.
7. People who overtake you on the road, slow down so you pass them and then speed up when you pass them in turn ....................................... friggin' Rossi/Schumacher wannabe!
8. Buses. (they are HORRIBLE over here!!!!)
9. Cab drivers (they are horrible I think everywhere!)
10. Ads during my favorite shows...
11. Telemarketers! GO DIE!!!!!!
12. People who are obsessively obsessive.
13. Dumb people.
14. Ultra Smart people.
15. Bitter gourd.
16. Social Networking Sites.
17. The fact that hershey kisses needs credit card authentication. (I don't want to give out my Credit card no. for something that I use more rarely then a meteor strike on earth!)
18. The fact that nothing good comes for free.
19. The fact that if that good is a software, I can still get it for free!
20. Girls, when they are hyperventilating.
21. Girls , when they are all sentimental and emotional.
22. Girlfriends, when they want to discuss "Future".
23. Girlfriends, when they want to discuss "Past".
24. Drugs.
25. The fear of STD.
26. The necessity of "Working for Money".
27. Unemployment.
28. People who pretend. (make them line up and shoot them for real..)
29. Fake things. (how does buying a cheap rolex imitation actually replace the sheer pleasure of buying a real rolex?)
30. Carbon monoxide. Its EVERYWHERE!!!
31. People. They are so annoying.
32. Noise.... argh!
33. Bright light! ("TURN IT OFF!!! IT HURTS US!!")
34. Gandhi. (why should I turn my other cheek if someone slaps me! No one feels guilty about it! Hell! Why should I let anyone slap me in the 1st place!)
35. Long lists (yeah... like this one)
36. Having to read and understanding to learn. (it would be so much cooler if wee could simply absorb knowledge!)
37. Hypocrites...
to be continued!