Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [SIG] Exbu Request Finished :D
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Well first off since exbu gave me no theme i was kind of lost at start, but then i found this awesome landscape image on google and decided to use it in my sig

the problem was i had to get some render with the same color tone as the picture, and i found this render (which i hope exbu likes; i don't know :P).

Anyway, i didnt think this one ALL the way through, but it came out pretty well (look at the spammed exbu text XD)

Enjoy exbu Nanana Nanana

 im off the hook! no more requests~! 

two versions yay;

[Image: exbuis7.jpg]

[Image: exbu2io0.png]
shiny! o-o

looks really great tetris. ^^
* dedat nods head in approval..
looks great tetris! awesome work!!!!!
That looks great! I'm sure Exbu will like it.
Wow ....... It's AWESOME!!! Inluv
Thank's Tetris.
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