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lolz, all i do is copy and paste all the info down.

and how do wee get selected as mod or senior members in PSP-Hacks?
Me working very very hard, ppiifttt...

And i find lotsa others deserve it too.. like sparker and some others

VV My new logo lolzz
[Image: spoonks4.jpg]
BluDevil Wrote:lolz, all i do is copy and paste all the info down.

and how do wee get selected as mod or senior members in PSP-Hacks?
Me working very very hard, ppiifttt...

And i find lotsa others deserve it too.. like sparker and some others

VV My new logo lolzz
[Image: spoonks4.jpg]

Well the first thing you don't do is make a topic asking to be a mod or senior,or how to become mod/senior, so many dumb noobz do that and mods hate it.

You have to be there for like 1/2years

they have to like you

Most know what your talking about

Post in Chat/Graphix section

Mods hate the help section

idk theses are just things I have seen over time.... but sadly ...... -hacks is going downhill
lolz, i never asked/made post about being mods, i was jsut wondering how the choosing system works.

yea, i heard from many ppl that u jsut hang out in the chat section lolz...
^^Chat and Graphics.  Mod is somewhat hard to become nowadays, but for Senior - you just do that.
Welcome BluDevil!

This has been the first forum where I've been a Mod :(

Well good luck.
^^ |-Anubis-| is doing an absolutely great job at it too!
lolz, i been mod like on many forums when i played Ragnarok and D2, War3..... but.... its not much of a fun job when u get like chocolateloads of PM's asking you really stupid poo poo, "when can i get unjailed/unbanned?" etc.....

So senior member i dun mind really...
and i noticed that majority of PSP-hack mods are in graphix, there is so much of them i never even seen before, until i visited graphix.
^^Yeah...  Most of the Seniors are in Graphics/Chat most often.

I get lots of PMs too, but meh, you can always ignore them if you want to (I tend to respond all the time though).
lolz, im not even senior/mod, but im getting flooded atm too.
"oh noes!! Spoonfeed me too BluDevil!!!" lolz... and im jsut copy and pasting past info.

And what's the "PSP Titan" rank? i saw calo as that for like 5 min lolz, before it got changed to hack, crack and mod sectional mod
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