Endless Paradigm

Full Version: OxEgEn 2o08!!!!!!!!!
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wooooo on friday J is goin 2 oxegen 2008 untill monday!!!!
[Image: 24169p1.jpg]
wooooo getting drunk and music n weed wat more could u ask 4!!!!!!!!!!
and woooooooooooooooo the lineup is deadly!!!
[Image: oxegen-tents.jpg]
^^^ and this year is=ts been rainin for thae last week and it was on the news that the venue is already flooded!!! gonna b messy!!! ^^^
I live in london , and its been raining like a bitch T_T
Sushi Wrote:I live in london , and its been raining like a bitch T_T

Yeah Erk it's damn annoying!!!
MehHakker Wrote:
Sushi Wrote:I live in london , and its been raining like a bitch T_T

Yeah Erk it's damn annoying!!!

i love rain Yay

its so refreshing, how can you guys not like it? :P
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