Endless Paradigm

Full Version: "EPIC PHAIL!!!!" Thread v1
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[Image: fail1.jpg]

[Image: vader-fail.jpg]

[Image: militia-fail.jpg]

[Image: dacing-fail.jpg]

[Image: mouse-fail.jpg]

[Image: shipment_of_fail.jpg]

[Image: id_fail.jpg]

[Image: fat-fail.jpg]

[Image: manliness-fail.jpg]

[Image: Fail-2.jpg]

[Image: lsd_fail.jpg]

[Image: fail.jpg]

[Image: fail-fudge.jpg]

[Image: jail-fail.jpg]

[Image: fail.jpg]

[Image: acab_fail.jpg]

the one with the dog biting the cop isn't fail... that's win for sure!!! go doggie!! lol and the cop with the dog has a smile..
lol. Those pics are funny.
Especially the one when the guy trys to escape from prison. Hihi
[Image: failatfailingxa5.jpg]
I fail at failing which means I am succeeding! YAY!!!
No, that's not a double negative.
[Image: programmer36737_0.jpg]
[Image: disgust_picard.jpg]
[Image: splitscreen-thumb.gif]
Damn... I wish I still had that screen shot of the outlook error I got on a system once.

"Error opening database. Please open the file and remove some entries, and try again"

I do have this one though.

[Image: 90647098ff8.jpg]

:moved: to organized randomness,.. ;)
[Image: epic_fail.jpg]
[Image: fail-baby.jpg]
[Image: fail_baby.jpg]
[Image: fail_camera.jpg]
[Image: fail_drink.jpg]
[Image: fail_football.jpg]
[Image: fail_lady.jpg]
[Image: fail_long_jump.png]
[Image: fail_motorbike.png]
[Image: fail_rain.png]
[Image: fail_snow.png]
[Image: fail_soldier.png]
[Image: fail_swimmer.jpg]
[Image: fail_trampoline.png]
[Image: fail_watersports.png]

Not really fail, but still:
[Image: fistofnixon.jpg]


[Image: fail.jpg]
[Image: fail-24.jpg]
[Image: fail.jpg]
[Image: fail.jpg]
[Image: fail2.jpg]
[Image: fail.jpg]
[Image: 128347587844687500fail.jpg]
[Image: fail.PNG]
[Image: mini-031_fail.jpg]
[Image: fail.jpg]

I'm all failed out...
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