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hmm ive seen many differences even between naruto episodes in the subs, when in a flashback the translation is a lot different from the original episode or other flashbacks (they flash back alot). sometimes they translate it mroe freely to make it sound better as if it were original english, but sometimes they don't. i prefer they do, and imho they can variate a little more too (they ALWAYS say 'it can't be helped' , and some other phrases they use repetitively... also the border of translation or not translation shifts from episode to episode, for instance technique names are sometimes translated but sometimes not, even 'nine-tails fox' isn't always translated, and recently i suddnely saw they replace perverted hermit with ero sennin....

but now back ontopic. dubs are evil, period.
Dubs are really evil.
believe it
ExBu Wrote:Dubs are really evil.
Since most of my anime come from the library, i have the option of both subs and dubs.

Most of the time i prefer dubs, cause then i don't have to concentrate on reading and watching at the same time, which sometimes causes me to have to go back to pick up either the wording or the picture.

The only exception is when the dubs are heavily re-edited for kids, cutting out heaps of stuff. Some very bad examples are one peice, which if i do remember correctly, either 1/3 of the whole show, or 33 episodes, are cut out because they contain violence/blood. I can't remember which, but both is pretty rediculous. Some other pretty edited ones I've heard are cardcaptor sakura (released as cardcaptors in english), sailor moon, dragon ball z... basically all the stuff released targeting a young audience.

I do not believe Japan have strict rules on what kids can see/cannot see, which are present in western countries. I know china has no such rules, so kids shows may inclue blood/violence/malicious or complicated themes/whatever in it. So yeah, when these anime gets released in western countries, they need to soften everything down, and in effect screws it all over.

If the subs are done propperly, like Zinga Burga said, there is little difference between the content, except for the fact that some of them sound poo poo, but most are alright.

Another argument against dubs is the mouth mismatching. poo poo dubs create great mismatches between the mouth movements and sounds, but most dubs i find do it pretty well, and the mismatch is not too noticable. And personally i don't really give about mismatching if it is small, i mean, it's not like I look at the mouth movements to try to find slight mismatchings when watching anime...

Anyways, so my final conclusion is that if the dubs are done propperly, I prefer dubs, if they are re-edited for kids, then that really sucks, and the sacrifice of having to read and watch at the same time is worth it.

Seems like Zinga Burga and I are the only 2 people here who prefers dubs...

... Maybe that reply was slightly too long and detailed ;|... oh well...
Double post
Tails Wrote:so, I normally watch Cantonese dub if available.... otherwise, jap audio and sub...

So where do u get the Cantonese dubs?

I tried getting chinese dubs when I was in Shanghai, but I only really find Japanese audio + chinese subs versions.

Maybe off a retailer that deals specially in anime?

Anyway, i only really checked the places where they sell pirates stuff. My logic tells me that if there are dubs, pirates will be pirating that instead of the subbed versions... seems like I'm wrong.

And mandarin dubs do exist, as I've seen them on TV before. And my Chinese reading skills are not even close to my English reading skills (= i read chinese REALLY SLOW, and have to check a dictionary often, but my chinese listening is pretty good), so i didn't buy any.
hmm i guess i would like cantonese dubs with english subs cause im trying to learn cantonese and from all the naruto ive seen to date i can figure out quite a lot of japanese sentences :P

also i don't even pay attention to the subs, there are just read in with the image so they don't bother me
Definitely subs for me. I hate watching anything edited and more-so when it's edited for the "western" audience.

Worst dub/westernisation ever? Initial D.

This is the most famous so I won't bother ranting about it :D
Assassinator Wrote:So where do u get the Cantonese dubs?

well.... Some anime forum in HK.... the forum 1 am always in is....


it has Jap audio with Chinese sub and Chinese Dub anime if available......
The problem with english dubs is the tiny pool of voice-actors (good or bad)
that there is to choose from. I mean, have you guys watched the Bleach
dubs? Ugh. The entire time I was expecting Meryl or Millie to pop up and ask
Vash why he was dressed like Ichigo. :P Just weird.
its true about the very small pool of English voice actors for anime.

To me its really just a matter of "which one can I watch first"?

But if I would rather watch English dubs.

OMFG the Love Hina dubs were a massacre. It was so difficult to listen.
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