Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Neko Mimi Mode??! WHAT THE FUDGE?
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Don't know if this is old, but Inluv Yay :o

Source: YouTube

ROFL.... o_O

teehee...neko. ^^
lulz its not old, in fact funneh, i just spoke with sensei saturday about this and i downloaded the tune
I loled a bit.
Ahh, Moonphase.

Also, Tsuku Yomi Mode (not as good as Neko Mimi though).

EDIT: Aww, the animation sucks :(
Source: YouTube
lol. didn't i post that in another thread?

oh yeah...

here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...p?tid=5361
lol XD
after watching this i had to check if i was high or not...........lol
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