Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [VOTING] feinicks vs ChaoticGamer
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Pages: 1 2
Good Luck, may the best Sig win!

This battle shall end by Wednesday.
Voted the bottom one.
amazing entry!
good luck feinicks. ^^
@_@ Can't decide wich one to vote for, there both great.
Chaoticgamer Wrote:amazing entry!
good luck feinicks. ^^

same to you bro... as usual, your work is top notch!
ExBu Wrote:@_@ Can't decide wich one to vote for, there both great.


feinicks GMV, but seriously, both of you, fix the borders.
They're both great sigs. Nanana

I don't know which one to vote for!
2nd one GMV, i lovez it, would go perfect with the theme i lovez
a total of 10 votes... that's it? c'mon people! vote!
Pages: 1 2
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