Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [D] Senseito Sakura vs Nacos
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Pages: 1 2 3
im here... it was that i was working on my car...
Recieved from Senseito.
Kaiser Wrote:Recieved from Senseito.

Im now here, anyone fancying a bet?

wee have to wait for either SS or Nacos to say how much will the bets be...
diego Wrote:YES!



*looks around and runs away*

 The irony, maybe my next sig wont be based on anime :P 
Tetris999 Wrote:
diego Wrote:YES!



*looks around and runs away*

 The irony, maybe my next sig wont be based on anime :P 

I have my reasons to preferring Anime to work with...
When will you be done Nacos'??
in a few minutes..
*Waits somewhat paciently for Nacos*

I would like to see how this turns out Madwin
pm sent.
Nacos Wrote:pm sent.

Pages: 1 2 3
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