06/07/2008, 01:57 AM
Theme: Planets
Time Limit: 96 Hours (from conception of this thread)
Rules: 1 vs. 1
Participants: CG, Feinicks...
Submit to: Senseito Sakura
Notes: Team DreamArts freaking owns the entire galaxy and the universe.
If anyone wants to participate state here within 12 hours.
This might seem like a complete TDA battle but anyone is free to comment!!!
Anyhoo.. Battle!
CG, can wee make this big-sig battle? as in psp wallpaper size battle?
Time Limit: 96 Hours (from conception of this thread)
Rules: 1 vs. 1
Participants: CG, Feinicks...
Submit to: Senseito Sakura
Notes: Team DreamArts freaking owns the entire galaxy and the universe.
If anyone wants to participate state here within 12 hours.
This might seem like a complete TDA battle but anyone is free to comment!!!
Anyhoo.. Battle!
CG, can wee make this big-sig battle? as in psp wallpaper size battle?