Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Introducing myself
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I know this is a crappy introduction, but hey, at least i did it.

Anyway, I'm from Australia, currently studying at uni. Studying actuarial studies so i can be a rich bum in the future, and then maybe open some business, and hopefully become a richer bum... hopefully.

I don't own a psp, and was introduced to this site/forum by a friend, around 3 months ago.

There will be one person (maybe 2?) in this forum who will be able to figure out my real identity from what's written above.

Ummm, it's 3:19 am (had some work i had to finish) so it's time to go to sleep now. To anyone who can be bothered, how about using the time to figure out the possible towns/cities i could be living in... And to anyone who did bother, sorry.

And yeah, I greet and say "Hi" to everyone who reads this.
Hello Assassinator hope you like it here.
yeah welcome to endless paradigm random forums
welcome and enjoy the forums
sidenote: seems like people are making better introductions, lol

ExBu... cool sig!! :P
Hey all!! I go by the name Digitzzz. I was using 2.71SE-B until I was brave enuff 2 upgrade to 3.03-C, now Im a happy camper. lol

I like to draw, make music, and basically stay busy. Feel free to chat with me
Cool never said welcome two times in one thread, so hello and welcome Digitzzz.
Thanks mate! Glad 2 have found this cool site!
Assasinator and Digitzzz welcome to EP

Enjor ur stay and have fun :)
hello both
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