Endless Paradigm

Full Version: HostCore 1.2 preview
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Here are 2 binaries of the 2nd preview of hostcore 1.2, almost full function in 4.01, but I get an odd bug in slim psp, the one which output debug info works well when the other one can not play iso game in usb mode. phat psp just all right.
It's NOT a stable version, take your own risk to test it.

hostcore 1.2p2

hostcore 1.2p2 debug

I will glad to receive some feedback of that bug...
Sweet, can't wait for the non beta :)

I love this plugin and the only bad thing is the laggyness on USB 1.0 :(
this is working great using cfe_2.2 to use the built in remotejoy functionality for vioweing psp screen on pc :)

thanks a bunch!!

but it has problems in game..but i only needed it for xmb videos :D
Think it would be possible to make WPA work on it?
could i use nethost to use remotejoy without a usb cable ?
i could make some sweet videos with that :)
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