i like the text you got.... what is it.....
it does seem a little cluttered making it hard to spot most effects..... you should make more things stand out....
Nacos Wrote:backgorund, stock, layout, colours, blending, focus, text.. all comepletely suck.. (reason by the way)
nah, that's too much, I've seen much, much worse signatures.
The Colours and Stock are perfectly fine.
andrewcc Wrote:i like the text you got.... what is it.....
Technojap I believe its called..
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Nacos Wrote:backgorund, stock, layout, colours, blending, focus, text.. all comepletely suck.. (reason by the way)
nah, that's too much, I've seen much, much worse signatures.
The Colours and Stock are perfectly fine.
andrewcc Wrote:i like the text you got.... what is it.....
Technojap I believe its called..
ill compromise, the stock and colours are fine.. the rest is
andrewcc Wrote:i like the text you got.... what is it.....
@ Nacos... if you were my "mentor", that would explain what happened to me...
@ Rest
Thks for your comments.. I am trying to find a new style so have been experimenting a little so all constructive criticism to that end is much appreciated.
I kno this may not be as nice as some of the sigs I have done, but as I mentioned, I am experimenting on new styles...!!
feinicks Wrote:Thks for your comments.. I am trying to find a new style so have been experimenting a little so all constructive criticism to that end is much appreciated.
I kno this may not be as nice as some of the sigs I have done, but as I mentioned, I am experimenting on new styles...!!
That's the way, feinicks, keep it up!
I can pinpoint the main things that are killing this sig.
1. BG is waaaaaaaaay to overblurred. If the blur was toned done it would look much better. It's so blurred that the focal doesn't look far away but close instead.
2. Colors. The focal's colors doesn't match with the bg, so it doesn't blend well with it.