Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Loli psp wallpapers thread
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I don't know if any of you have the balls to set loli as your wallpaper but if you do go ahead and download some to your psp, or just store them and view em in pspfiler ;)

photoshop edit by me:

original image found by Slushba132 [original]
[Image: kittyix1.jpg]
original image found by Slushba132 [original]
[Image: ecchiwn5.jpg]
all others
Thanks to sparker ▽⇓↓
[Image: nanowallpapermy9.png]

[Image: nanoha05bn1.png]
Thanks to nicodemus82 ▽⇓↓
[Image: lovehinahz5.png]

[Image: kimiganozomueienff2.png]

You're going to 'borrow' my images and my threads!?!

My name is Enigo Montoya, you killed my father.. prepare to die
My name is Jin Kazama, i can fly >:D
Slushba132 Wrote:You're going to 'borrow' my images and my threads!?!

My name is Enigo Montoya, you killed my father.. prepare to die

screw your father! he owed me money!!!

aside from that i hope you don't mind Peace
not anything really interesting in particular, but loli is loli.
[Image: nanowallpapermy9.png]
Sparker Wrote:not anything really interesting in particular, but loli is loli.
[Image: nanowallpapermy9.png]

meh its cute that's what counts imo
Jomann Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:not anything really interesting in particular, but loli is loli.
[Image: nanowallpapermy9.png]

meh its cute that's what counts imo

yes, it's the cute factor that counts the most.
[Image: suiseisekiwallpaperym4.png]
First one has too much contrast for a background, but the second one looks fine :P
[Image: screen1pl7.jpg]
that background is more gay than this
Slushba132 Wrote:that background is more gay than this

and your more gay than that.

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