Endless Paradigm

Full Version: itunes is crapping out
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I'm stuck with itunes now and most of my music has disappeared with the remaining unplayable..... i can't delete the tracks and cannot put any new ones on..... I've tried reinstalling but the playlists are kept

    what should i do?
from what iv seen , heard and tried,
Itunes on windows isn't the best,
Move on.
R!KKU Wrote:from what iv seen , heard and tried,
Itunes on windows isn't the best,

  i thought that.... i have had problems before......

@ demonchild....

   i only recently had a new ipod so i can't move on......

  i may need to use my sister's computer
is there anything in the 'C:/Documents and Settings/[your name]/My Documents/My Music/iTunes Music/'? a loooong time ago my dad bought me an itunes gift card. so i downloaded itunes and installed it onto his computer. (his is the only ine with an internet connection in the house. my parents don't trust me enogh to let me have internet in my room) Anyway, after a while my dad got sick of how much itune had fudgeed up his computer so he deleted all of the music i'd bought (!) through windows explorer but forgot to uninstall itunes. this left itunes in a seriously confused state.

about moving on, Winamp can do eveything itunes can and more. Winamp comes with a plugin to let it work with ipods (never tried it cause no ipod has ever been near my computer). Winamp can play all of the formats that itunes can play so you don't need to convert your music, and Winamp truly kicks donkey. once you try it you won't go back.
andrewcc Wrote:I'm stuck with itunes now and most of my music has disappeared with the remaining unplayable..... i can't delete the tracks and cannot put any new ones on..... I've tried reinstalling but the playlists are kept

    what should i do?

use windows media player XD
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