Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Extract 4.01 CTF Files
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CTF manager is not extracting the 4.01 CTF files for me...  :o

Matchung said something about using a hex edited ctf manager to do this.
Could matchung, or anyone else who has this upload it please.

It would be most useful.  

thanks you Matchung.
i love you :) (Matchung)
i can't even get my ctfs to show !?!!
yup me too, also waiting for this
I'm waiting for this too :)
Me too (still...)

Maybe this had something to do with the unofficial cxmb that came out with wrong offsets ??
I'll try to extract one of the new "proper" ctf files, and post my results.
matchung Wrote:here :

Awesome   !!

Thanks matchung   Madwin
yeah, thanks a lot mate
Thanks for the link matchung :)
Pages: 1 2
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