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Full Version: [help]common gui and infobars color of 4.01m33
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any gui for commongui,prx? and infobars colors?
Try and use my commengui.prx from LIGHTNING theme,. its got all language infobars fixxed,. to 144x272 and Schmilk posted the 4.01 bookmark list for commengui.prx,. ;)

i can convert infobar colors from 3.90m33 to 4.01m33,. but i also need a gui!! font/infobar colors gui,.!! please!!
will you give me the link for your theme bro V?

edit: okey i found it thanks v I'll try it.

edit2: bro is this the newly hack prx from 4.01 or it comes from 3.90 prx?
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