Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Flashget or DAP
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I personally don't like IDM, it gives a lot of problems
so i got tired of it and decided to give one of the above a go, but i don't know which one...

what do you recommend EP?

*i just got flashget portable for my flashdrive, but nevermind that*
ive been using idm for a long time and love it.before that i used getright not sure why i changed but i can't say anything bad about idm sorry it don't work for you.
well, the problem i had with IDM is that i couldn't buy it properly... <_<

i really liked it except for that...

so if you know how to buy it properly, please PM
ive always used flashget ...
though DAP can download from rapidshare ... i guess it depends :D
Downthemall is the best download manager by far :)

It integrates with Firefox and is very simple to use.
Last time I used DAP was a long time ago - had spyware and was a general pain.  Have no idea what it's like now (but aren't you meant to pay for it still?).

Flashget is free, plus has no spyware.  Also very versatile.
I'm a flashget person.

But for portable (not at home computer) I prefer DownThemAll. Saves the effort of setting up proxies and everything.
boogschd Wrote:ive always used flashget ...
though DAP can download from rapidshare ... i guess it depends :D

lol i meant orbit downloader

its also a freeware and can also download streaming media
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