Endless Paradigm

Full Version: no freaking way
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Pages: 1 2
CS put in a loli forum... wow. i think it'll be interesting to see who spends the most time here. *cough* pedofile *cough*  J/k
its where sensei lives..
...can wee move the loli thread here?
Is this Paradise? Yay Hmmm
You should move the loli thread here
By the way lovez the theme Inluv
firefox doesn't like this page. I think its the opacity...
My firefox does Facepalm
My firefox is a pedofile :/
They probably have a loli plugin...
I would be surprised if they didn't, they could call it Lolifox or something

edit: Oh spoon it actually exists

When did these new forums pop up??
I like loli because I think it is moe
so therefor I cannot be called pedo.
Pages: 1 2
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