Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 4.01 color and Update switch gui!!?
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Now that Schmilk made this AWESOME converter people starting to ask arround for a "font/infobar color and maybe a update/lftv switch gui" for 4.01m33.

i know i could use 1,. its the missing element to update your theme's to 4.01m33!
i 4 1 know how to cut paste font/infobar colors but some other's Hmmm don't and i srew up alot,. Blur specially when all month colors are different,.;p
Schmilk's 3.90>>4.01 converter is working great!! and he also made the 4.01 bookmark lists before 4.01m33 was even here!!

sPMed Blessedhands if he was able to make this gui,. Drink

yes update/lftv switch changed- as I can make this
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