Endless Paradigm

Full Version: made a talkbox today
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my talkbox :D it isn't that bad Madwin

[Image: 06-29-08_1817.jpg]
[Image: 06-29-08_1816.jpg]
w00t for tape. Good for fixing anything :D
roberth Wrote:w00t for tape. Good for fixing anything :D
worked wonders on my leg... ^^
What's this for??
MICk3Y Wrote:What's this for??

makes your voice sound awesome....... type it into youtube and you'll see

   i really want to make one of these.... they look sooooooo fun...
dude it was so freakin easy and in all it cost me about 5-10 bucks

so what does it make your voice sound like?
kinda like a robot lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COzkOlyu2ZA that's a talk box but his is better then mine
kk, sounds pretty cool.
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