This has just started airing back in the US, of a show that's 'supposedly' airing in Japan.
There are lulz to be had for the sheer fact you get to see Americans doing these rediculous challenges which you see in most Japanese Game Shows, and on top they are making fun of them in Japanese.
Really funny stuff, go check it out at your usual sources.
looks like it has a lot of desu
I've been meaning to watch it but I forgot about it entirely. And life rarely revolves around the TV at my granparent's house.
I watched this show the other day, it was okay. They had 2 people in bee suits jumping on trampolines to see who could post a marker on a bullseye and then some weird goo was thrown at them or something like that. At the end a bunch of men in business suits ran into the game room and carried the winner was odd...
i already watched the first episode when it aired last week..pretty funny, especially seeing yanks making fools of themselves ;)
Nocturnal Wrote:I watched this show the other day, it was okay. They had 2 people in bee suits jumping on trampolines to see who could post a marker on a bullseye and then some weird goo was thrown at them or something like that. At the end a bunch of men in business suits ran into the game room and carried the winner was odd...
What? I would say more but I can't...
Nocturnal Wrote:I watched this show the other day, it was okay. They had 2 people in bee suits jumping on trampolines to see who could post a marker on a bullseye and then some weird goo was thrown at them or something like that. At the end a bunch of men in business suits ran into the game room and carried the winner was odd...
nicodemus82 Wrote:i already watched the first episode when it aired last week..pretty funny, especially seeing yanks making fools of themselves ;)
I reckon it'll get funnier as well... I think Ep1 was just an induction into the Japanese craziness!
I'll check it out, looks pretty funny.
Nocturnal Wrote:I watched this show the other day, it was okay. They had 2 people in bee suits jumping on trampolines to see who could post a marker on a bullseye and then some weird goo was thrown at them or something like that. At the end a bunch of men in business suits ran into the game room and carried the winner was odd...
i soo want to watch this!!! :D:D