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Pages: 1 2
Assassinator Wrote:
feinicks Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:I actually liked the second one better. Most people like the 1st one better though.

I really don't want to compare the two as they tell different stories. But for once (like with Code Geass R2), the sequel held its own and cannot be said to be inferior to the 1st series, as it frequently happens.

Errr... the 2nd Code Geass I thought wasn't as good as the 1st. The 1st had more structure, and a better planned our story.

But yeah, the difference between the two isn't that great, unlike lets say the difference between the 1st and 2nd Matrix movies (1st was great, 2nd and 3rd sucked donkey).

Yea.. that is why I kinda think twice before watching a sequel. About 70% sequels suck. Some are truly epic, say for instance : LOTR: Return of the King.

I like R2, though it sometimes gave the impression of being rushed. But its character development and variety was as good as the first season.
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