Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Themes complete for 3.30/3.40
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Cleric Wrote:I'm getting freezes when loading any ISO or PSX game. I've used Monica and the Black theme.
This is my first venture into theming but after bricking and recovering my PSP (following a spoon tutorial on another site) I'm confident I'm now doing everything right.

EDIT: I'm running 3.40

EDIT AGAIN: I've gone to 3.30 and still have no loading games. There's obviously something I'm doing wrong. Nevermind, I'm too pissed off at it now to actually enjoy a custom theme... :go:

EDIT YET AGAIN: I've been busy on this thread: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...p?tid=1367. I'd like to request a name change to this thread. I tried to use them in 3.40 and it's beat the poo poo out of my PSP. I've recovered as much as I can but it seems I'll never be able to play ISOs again... strange side effect.
Complete? I'm not convinced.

Did you clear some space out in your Flash before you started customizing?  that is a MUST.

Just for your information, on 3.40 opening _plugin should be created on a recompiled rco, or it will will cause PS1 games to not work.  (there is a fix for that, but its just easier to use the proper .rco)  

Also, if any font has been colored in a given theme, your homebrew will need to be patched to work.

*Use Patch SFO 3.XX here:  http://www.sendspace.com/file/99snes

As far as your ISOs not showing up, it may be from colored font again.  if everything wasn't prepared right when the theme maker did the colored font part, your ISO files will not work... :(

That's why, you should only use a theme made by a knowledgeable, theme maker.
I'm not saying Subdes is incompetent.  I'm just saying that all the themes in this thread were themes from older firmwares, that he has converted to 3.40  format.  And that leaves a lot of room for errors.
Like the opening_plugins for instance.  To properly convert them, you would really need to extract the Custom logo, vag (sound) files, and bootwave tga, and reinsert them into a 3.40 recompiled opening_plugin.rco.   (There is the old 0pening_plugin redirection trick, but that would cause an ugly white boxe to appear in your gameboot...)

But on allot of these themes, the proper steps where not taken, and as a result you may notice some strange side effects...  

Again, I'm not dissing subdes.  what he has tried to do for the community was a awesome thing.  
It's just that I don't believe he himself has learned all the in & outs of XMB Modding, and as a result,  these themes he converted are not proper, and may cause some confusion for n00bs...  

Still, for the more experienced, this thread is a great resource for themes that are about 90% complete, and just need some minor tweaking to make functional on 3.40 OE.  

Also, your PSP, isn't messed up permanently.  Just reinstall 3.40 OE.  And next time use Recovery USB to make a back up of your fresh Flash0.

Hope this info is helpful in understanding some of the problems that may be bothering you  :)
i don't have enough space to put the system_plugin.rco

EDIT: I'm using the iPhone Theme
topmenu on brown orange theme is not working
im using 3.30
^ Do note that 3.30 and 3.40 topmenus are different...
I relize this thread is mega old but does anyone have that Red theme by Subdes. The second picture of the complete themes...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:^ This?
Yes. Thanks..
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