Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Slushba132's and Mick3y's post war
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No!!!!! Don't change title Erk

Mines Fou lu from breath of fire IV I picked him because he is a bad donkey!
I picked the username because I needed something original I could be contacted by and I wouldn't have to change. It also makes it easier to sign up for things and not have to try 20 different usernames before I find the right one.

If you ever a find a slushba132 somewhere, it is probably me.

Sparkers is nanoha from lyrical girl nanoha
At least I think, If I remember correctly or didn't misspell anything.
why the 132????
* Mickey will 'borrow' slushie's identity
because slushba is to close to slushie and most likley someone eventually would have 'borrowed' it.
Well, i will be that some one
I've always wanted try to 'borrow' someone else's identity on this site.
I'll do it when I have enough E-pigs to change my user name and then change it back.
Just to let you guys know this war is fail. :3
...okay then, there will still only be two of us besides, I probably already registered for everything I need.
it needz moar desu.

and loli.
Were still posting so the war is still going on and I've wanted to do the same thing sparker
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