Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] PRX Converter 3.90 to 4.01
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Yup its here and its good!
[Image: upprx4xf6.th.jpg]

[Image: prxufb4.th.jpg]

High lights
*By pressing a button you will be converting the following files (if available) from a 3.90prx to a 4.01 M33 to be used on 4.01 M33 ONLY!!!
These files MUST be editable via hexworkshop/prx editor
aka Decompressed and decrypted (mostly vshmain/paf are compressed by theme makers)
*VSHMain and PAF re-evaluated and more offsets added to each batch
*htmlviewer_plugin.prx added

*These files will be converted







Any file not listed here WILL NOT be converted and WILL NOT WORK in 4.01 M33!!!
So they will be deleted :)

What kind of prx do i have?
To determine what state your prx is in open your PRX in hex editor
If you see .ELF in the first line, then this program will
If that line says ~PSP. then this program WILL NOT give you a working prx because it is compressed/encrypted)  
BUT, you candelete all data above 0x150 and rename the file to *.gzip, then open with winrar or ungzip and extract the compressed .prx, now you can update it

Low lights
*Common_gui.prx is not converted, that needs to be edited manually for now if at all.
*Opening_plugin will only convert successfully on a 32bit windows xp or vista, on 64bit the x.exe crashes :(
*You must manually edit photo_browser390 and read offset 18e80
write that value to photo_browser.prx offset 17838 of the newly created photo_browser.prx

HWhex.exe coded by Hibbyware
Batch files coded by SchmilK
Openingplugin400.bat thanks to matchung
Thanks to vegetano1 and xanderchaos for help testing

400header and footer added ... whoops LOL
will wee be seeing some themes soon then? :D

Great work, i bet themers must love these apps for updating
Well, this makes Crystal Blade and all the hundreds of other 3.90 themes a quick upgrade. Now just 3.95 to 4.01, for all of us ('all of us' meaning you and me) that actually made themes for 3.95 only.
Ill post my upgraded Organ soon :)
SchmilK/Hibby/matchung - you guys are legends  !!

This is amazing.  A million thanks for this   :D
Yay Thanks for making things easier for us.
Thanks to all involved, this will save a great deal of time for a lot of people, I just wish I had made more themes to use it with.
I converted Organ with it and now it won't boot :(
I tried converting a 3.90 opening_plugin.prx to 4.01 but the file didn't change and/or converted...hmmm.Emptyone
Grrr,. i needed the font/infobar colors and the update<>lft_main switch for reboot <> m33 update switch,. everthing else i already changed,. :(

but i def use this for the other theme's i made!! 3.95>>4.01 converter? wel i got 3 theme maybe 4 theme's @ 3.95 but they are also in 3.90 so ,.

thanks man!!

for 3.95 to 4.01 i guess you only need to convert the html_viewer, vshmain and msvideo_main_plugin prx files,. ;)
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