Endless Paradigm

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Unit 14 - Programming

I'll need to learn Visual Basic, which is win and I'll need to design and develop an application.

Unit 13 - Web Development

I have to host a site and monitor it for 6 weeks and look at SEO words and meta-tags and shizzle like that.. also need ot look at hosting and stuff..

Im really psyched as this all is very interesting to me.
cool :D

good luck with it mang! :p
if you have a genuine interest in it you will walk it - just one tip - don't let anyone 'borrow' your work. i had my spoon passed off as someone elses - they got the pass and i got the redo it again spoon. i don't mind much but when you spend a while on something you don't like it being 'borrowed'.
Do a pizza menu application, that's what wee did for our programming module

You will find it easy, whether or not you enjoy it, i hate programming (no patience i suppose, apparently because im good at maths i should be but meh) and still walked my programming module, VB is a piece of cake
Programming isn't really hard, once you understand how computers think.  You need to really have the patience though.

SEO is mostly getting inbound links to your website.  I've seen a whole heap of info about optimising pages etc, but it's mostly useless.  Inbound links will always beat it.

Web development is much easier than general programming.
I have to do both, as well as Project Management, Flash, Databases, Networking...
^ Should be a walk in the park :P
the database and networking exams are 10 hours longs each... atleast wee get to use the internet in the networking exam..my teacher said it should be easy.. though the database exam kills people...
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