Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [d] Senseito Sakura & feinicks vs Mickey & Slushba132
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feinicks Wrote:oh dear.. i haven't even started yet!

Me Neither

Slushba132 Wrote:...I'v been at this for hours.

I'm drawing everything from scratch

Do you realize that you'll be able use those skills for so much more once you get used to Photoshop?

You have skills, man.
he is using flash i think o.0
damnit, how long do I have left :(
about 12 hours??? ill go longer, but slushie and feinicks have to agree
cR@Zy!NgLi$h Wrote:>yawn<

Are you battling?


were mindlessly taunting each other with images. ^^
Yeah wee could extend time I guess... I thought it was late sunday though not saturday wee still have like a whole day
its actually early sunday, like 6-8 more hours
If my ability to pm has been removed, does that mean wee lose?
no, i pmed him your siggi
hey he does know it's teams right?
and he does know to put both our sigs in the same vote box right?
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