Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [d] Senseito Sakura & feinicks vs Mickey & Slushba132
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Slushba132 Wrote:...It will be okay, I will try not to humiliate us.

also does it have to be photoshop? I only own flash so I was planning on using that

yeah, it can be done with flash, as long as it has regular sig dimensions

(you may also want to save it in an image file rather than a .swf file, else it'll be a pain... <_<
Kaiser Wrote:
Slushba132 Wrote:...It will be okay, I will try not to humiliate us.

also does it have to be photoshop? I only own flash so I was planning on using that

yeah, it can be done with flash, as long as it has regular sig dimensions

(you may also want to save it in an image file rather than a .swf file, else it'll be a pain... <_<

You can make vectors with flash. I think.
you can make vectors with flash. That was/is my plan so far. I'm confused what "latter atm" means though
Slushba132 Wrote:you can make vectors with flash. That was/is my plan so far. I'm confused what "latter atm" means though

latter = the option towards the end like in this post:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:are wee collaborating or 2 sigs vs 2 sigs?

sensei wold prefer 2sigs vs 2 sigs.

and ATM = At The Moment
It's not two sigs per person but 1 sig per person and therefore 2 sigs per team.

whispers to mickey: Wee might lose
its otay, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, want to see my entry???
sure...I'll show my current idea but I have like three sigs in the making right now.
[Image: depressed1copyiy9.png]

Its not my best work :/ 00% inspiration, oh well, it was still fun Madwin
...Mine sucks it does't have people or shading or much of anything that involves skill

[Image: Rosesig.png]

I might resize it and balance it out and then add more or I might just destroy everything about it.
It doesn't need peole and shading or any of that, i really like it, but it looks somewhat un finshed
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