Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [d] Senseito Sakura & feinicks vs Mickey & Slushba132
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I'm REALLY sorry I'm so late, I've been dealing the fudgeing BLOCK again, I get it too often for comfort.

IT WILL be done today - I PROMISE!!

EDIT: If you want to DQ me and make it a 3-way.....
Senseito Sakura Wrote:EDIT: If you want to DQ me and make it a 3-way.....

nah, no need to...

anyways, you guys have been talking about doing a some sort of team battle right? for what i understood, you want 2 sigs on the same space or something, i would like some clarification/confirmation in this one

and also who the teams consist of...
as in put two sigs in one vote.

Teams: Sensei + Me vs. MICk3y +Slushba132.

However, if Sensei can't submit by tomorrow, the please setup the poll as a 3 way battle.
feinicks Wrote:as in put two sigs in one vote.

Teams: Sensei + Me vs. MICk3y +Slushba132.

However, if Sensei can't submit by tomorrow, the please setup the poll as a 3 way battle.

I'm going to break my fingers playing Hard/Expert GHIII to get the Juices flowing and get to it.
lol! ok!
...I'm confused as to how guitar hero is going to make a signature on the computer
who cares a long as he submits tomorrow..
...he didn't submit it did he?
no he did not... guess if he doesn't in the next few hours, then this will become a 3-way...

oh well... 3 way it'll be...

voting's up in a moment...
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