this took me an entire day, and about 16 hours
basically, i worked on this yesterday because i had nothing to do for the whole day; and i had to stay at home
so i just decided to vector yoko, i think i did pretty good
and yes, i didn't put any lineart in this, i don't like vectors with lines (or well my stuff anyway) :P
I really could do a lot more work on this vector but for right now this is the first release, because i wanted to get it out there if i didnt have enough time to work on it again
ill definitely not do another vector for a long time, because they take a long time......

lol,. yes woot,. WOOT!
looks best with colored background,... i got white website theme,.. background,. ;p
16hours,. !!!
Vegetano1 Wrote:lol,. yes woot,. WOOT!
looks best with colored background,... i got white website theme,.. background,. ;p
16hours,. !!!
that's no joke, ask sensei; i got so carried away in making it that i stayed up till 4:30
P.S. If anyone wants, i can jack up the resolution for them (because its a vector! yay :D)
Tetris999 Wrote:Vegetano1 Wrote:lol,. yes woot,. WOOT!
looks best with colored background,... i got white website theme,.. background,. ;p
16hours,. !!!
that's no joke, ask sensei; i got so carried away in making it that i stayed up till 4:30 
eheh i know whot that's like,. ;p me making FFXIII theme!
V1 wanders,.. for a vector there are lot of colors,. well i guess its a detailed vector,. ?O_O?
that's a nice job you did
(I'm still haven't finished vectoring the haruhi stock feinicks did a while back)
That's an AMAZING Yoko!!!!!
Nice um "details" :P
That's an AMAZING Yoko!!!!!
Nice um "details" :P
Details? XD
it really needs a background like vegetano said, ill make something like a sig or LP with it soon :D
lol it's not finished but goodjob nonetheless as mehakker said "nice details"

Tetris999 Wrote:MehHakker Wrote:WWWWWWWwowWWWWWWW
That's an AMAZING Yoko!!!!!
Nice um "details" :P
Details? XD
it really needs a background like vegetano said, ill make something like a sig or LP with it soon :D
"details" - as in "shape" XD