Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Codes for posting!
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bro's can wee have the codes used for posting here at EP? such those spoilers and pictures opening on the new window etc.????
Well all the basic ones are here:


Wee have some extra ones like:

[xlink]title goes here[|]text goes here[/xlink]

title goes here
text goes here

[art]becomes small text[/art]

becomes small text

and others....

I think wee had a thread on this before......ima go dig it up...
i don't think that's what he meant mehhakker ?

but he said spoilers and what not.....
i made a thread bout it before...
lemme get it


i think ima resume working on it and made the proper thread i was going to do with them
Yeah I think you should sticky it aswell :P
I think he wants to stick it on his board, but then, I don't use phpBB, so don't ask me.
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