Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [colab] -KatY-
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well me and mickey worked on this together.

i like this sig so decided to post this.

[Image: yoyocolab.png]

i think this image is best view in the haX0r theme.
regardless this is one of my all time favorite sigs..
everything looks really good except for the pixel borders around the boxes...the reflection makes it pixely...
other than that it looks really good.^^
Chaoticgamer Wrote:everything looks really good except for the pixel borders around the boxes...the reflection makes it pixely...
other than that it looks really good.^^

agreed... a higher feather would of given a better reflex-ionz..... other than that, great job guys.!!!!!:
Shady did all the work :/
2 comments?    that's it?


and good night
I wasn't online. . .

Well I have to say it looks GREAT
*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:2 comments?    that's it?


and good night

I know rite O_O

Comment pplzª!!
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